About Us

At SRM Gaming, we strive to provide the best gaming content and esports performance of any other organization out there. All of our streamers are devoted to their followers and they love to show off their skills. The esports teams that we have are determined to show that they are the true champions of every tournament that they participate in.
The management at SRM Gaming is comprised of people who are very knowledgeable about the gaming & esports industry. They are always available to help out our various departments in any way possible. The leaders of our organization do their best to promote the organization as well as setup our community for success. If you have any questions at all about the organization, please do not hesitate to contact our management through any of the methods on our contact page or on Discord, and we will get to you as soon as possible.
We first started SRM Gaming because we wanted to challenge ourselves. We wanted to start from nothing, then grow and become one of the best gaming organizations out there. While looking at other organizations, we noticed that some of them just recruit anybody that wants to join, and others don’t promote their members at all. Our goal is to be the best of both worlds and select our members based on their level of dedication to their own goals as well as SRM Gaming. We strive to help them become the best that they could possibly be.
Two of the most significant events that have happened to us include our partnership with Auntie Anne’s and the weekly SRM Gaming podcast. The podcast began as a random idea that was thought of by some of our management. The responsibility of that idea was then handed to our Randy “TrX_SoLuTiOnZ” Lackey, our COO. He had to figure out how exactly we’re supposed to run a fun and enjoyable podcast. Through the podcast, we were able to secure our partnership with Auntie Anne’s. They approached us and wanted to send us some gifts. From there, the relationship grew into what it is today.

We are apart of the SRM International family of companies. SRM International is a parent company of 7 different companies in the digital media industry. They help provide us with the necessary resources to run our organization. One of their companies is SR Media Canada, a media production company. They help us with various editing and graphic design needs as well as making this very website. They also have their very own apparel business with warehouses in Los Angeles, USA; North Carolina, USA; Mexico City, Mexico; and Riga, Latvia. That company is able to help us run our own apparel store and ship all around the world for a very cheap cost. We are very fortunate that SRM Gaming can share some of the same upper management as the great people behind SRM International, and we hope to continue our relationship with them far into the future. You can check out SRM International on their website here.